Sunday, May 10, 2015

The Last Blog: And One Fine Morning

For your last blog post, I would like you to consider one idea:  What makes this book endure?
(Other aspects to ponder: How does Fitzgerald's novel speak to you in a real level?  Why is this considered one of the, if not the, greatest novels of all time?  What truths does he reveal?  What is Fitzgerald saying about x?  You can mention aspects within the text, but I want more of your focus to stem from the real world significance and application.  Be original.  Think for yourself. DO NOT plagiarize.)

So, before you start please read all the directions below:

I want you to ask 5 critical level questions (real world, extension questions) that really provoked your own inquiry.  Then, I would like you to answer my prompt above in a thorough and reflective paragraph with solid organization of a central idea.  You may use first person pronouns (no second please) and your writing must adhere to thoughtful convention use.
You must then comment on one other person's critical question (you do not have to write this in your own text box, but rather make a comment on someone else's post.)  I expect your answer, to their question, to be thoughtful and thorough.

Here are some examples of my own critical level questions:

1. What do we use to keep us going?
2.  To what extent do we build things up in our minds and then reality doesn't meet our expectations?
3.  Can one's background limit them in life?  Or how does a person's background affect their vision of a dream? Or do our environments shape the people we become?
4.  Is love the greatest entity worth living for?
5.  How do we put on appearances?  Why?  What are we covering? Not revealing?  What are we scared of?
6.  Why is wealth seen as the ultimate way of life?  Why have we put such a heavy weight on material things?
7.  Will the past always be viewed as  simpler, better time?
8.  Do you think most people feel stuck?  Trapped?  Are most people happy, sad?  Disillusioned?  Disappointed?
9. Is what we see ever true?  Do we ever really know somebody?
10. If it is true that we are on borrowed time and moving toward the inevitable, then how should we live?


  1. 1. Why are earthly temptations so satisfying?
    2. How is the core of the American Dream and the rawness of humanity so relatable from generation to generation?
    3. How is it possible to change who one is?
    -Why would one want to change?
    4. How did money become so valuable?
    -At one point does one make it more important than their inner happiness, and why does this happen?
    5. What makes relationships, self discovery, and following a passion more valuable than success? Where is the connection between the two and how does that drive one's journey?

    In the midst of differing backgrounds, aspirations, in spite of the American Dream, our sinful minds are all inner connected. The Great Gatsby is so rawly relatable, and its survived decades of best sellers, top 100's for this reason. This novel is still relevant to today's society because universal truths are intertwined through the dialect and the mindsets of the characters. Money can buy happiness, and though no one would dare to admit this to themselves––I could travel around the entire world, buy the equipment I need to take photographs, live in a house that I paint and decorate to myself, but only if I have the means to do so. And while somewhat disturbing, and not surprising in the slightest, the mindset of the human has not changed; rather there has been no reason for it to do so. In fact, the people in today's world could possibly be more competitive than any other generation I have observed. The pressure from the education system, cooperate offices, and from one's one own peers to become successful, seems for unhealthy than ever. All for what? To appear the better, more successful, happier, bystander? What makes a person real? I wish I did not consider it their ability to receive a 4.0 or higher GPA, a title in a cooperate business world, or a perfect body. But, if I am being completely honest and vulnerable with myself, I do. This is because the demands of society have literally shaped the ideals in which every human is at the least, exposed to, every moment, of every day, of their life. Now, is it easier to follow the ways of the world, or to rebel from them? It is by far, more challenging to turn away from practices and standards, that even one's own family members would assure them is the righteous path, as their parents spoke the same, and so on and so forth. The perception of capabilities of the human is flawed. Humans cannot, and never will be able to, achieve the American Dream. This is simply because the American Dream is unsatisfying, as Fitzgerald claims. According to my own personal beliefs, I have a relationship with God, so that in this life He will work in and through me, to change my perspective; to be my hands and feet in this crooked world. The sole purpose in my life is to live out the calling that God has brought upon me, and to share His love in every way that I can. This is because the love that Christ brings to us, is so wonderful, so holy and unfathomable, that I see no other option but to tell the entire world how amazing He is. The world is broken, oh so messy and corrupt, but ever since the beginning of time, the Lord has been good. It is because sin exists that the world is the way it is. And how in need humans are of a savior. I am not capable of making my own happiness, I have tried and tried; harder and harder––to create in myself, a perfect body, my own facade. But I cannot do so in a way that brings me joy, over and over I fail myself; but the good Lord has never failed me. All in all, I believe humanity has, through Fitzgerald's novel, come into agreement with the idea that, humans can and never will find satisfaction in the ways of the flesh. For me, the application appears in my relationship with God, and how He is fulfilling and satisfying in more ways than I can count.

    1. Hi Jordan!
      In response to one your questions 'How is it possible to change who one is?', I believe that people do not necessarily change, but grow, or mold according to the path that has been given to them and that they have chosen to take. I can without a doubt confirm that I am not the same as I was when I was a child due to a multitude of things, but can essentially be tied together with one explanation: life. Our experiences guide us and mold our desires and our hearts. A person who has come from a decent background may not even consider the path Gatsby does since the person has never known the struggle to survive, leading the other person to pursue different things as a result of experiences. I do believe that everything does happen for a reason and that there is a higher power working. Are we meant to become the people we are? I think so, but that does not mean that we never change or have always become the same person, but I also think that because our experiences have crafted what we want and ultimately decide for our future that our past selves are gone. We always have the potential to be what we once were as well as being highly capable of change. You entrust your love and heart unto the Lord and he guides you through life, just as the hopes of Gatsby does. At the end of the day, humans are creatures of improvement. We create ourselves based on our desires and become who we want to be. Maybe our lives are a process to changing.

    2. Our earthly pursuits and temptations are satisfying because this is our life. What we do now is real and we can become addicted to the rewards that are a result of unmoral or sinful action. Daisy and Tom were addicted to the money and comfort that came with their ignorance of the unmoral actions of one another and in the end; the two most rotten people will die together. Their actions hurt so many yet they refuse to recognize this even the pain they inflicted upon one another. Our earthly temptations or pursuits are not always unmoral. Why do we strive for something on this earth? If you are Christian, our father loves us, his son died for our sins, and so we strive for greatness on this earth because our life is a journey. It is a challenge to achieve and live a life worth living in the eyes of God and follow our purpose on this earth. We only get one life and we pursue our purpose from God with all our will however, the pull of sin and its riches can overpower our pure hearts and lead us astray.

  2. Does the power of love truly conquer all?
    What allows a person to persevere against challenges?
    Why do people desire more?
    Why do people hold expectations and allow their wants to disappoint?
    Do people desire to be validated by the person they love?
    What drives people?
    What is the most important thing in life?
    What makes a person real? A person fake?

    Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby endures the test of time and triumphs in people’s hearts because of presentation of reality. Fitzgerald ultimately depicts one of people’s worst fears: to die alone, to not be loved. Gatsby is the picture of the average American, a person who desperately wants to be more, to become something, and he accomplishes his goal. For those who connect with the struggle, one can only commend Gatsby for his hard work and perseverance, while others will agonizingly protest that his life is a lie. What determines a lie? Gatsby believes and becomes Jay Gatsby because that is who he feels he is. He does not live through a persona, but has created himself as we all do, as people wish to do. People aware of their impact and possibilities that surround them possess the inherent need to better themselves, and to be happy. Although most people do not know what leads to true happiness, audiences can relate to Gatsby’s perspective of the American Dream. The house, the things, the cars, the golden girl... what else could anyone wish for? Among the multitude of things Gatsby acquires, Daisy drives his desire to better himself through status. In one way or another, everyone has felt a form of heartbreak, or ache, that Gatsby experiences. Whether about class, love, self worth, family, we connect to Gatsby because he cares. The fact that Gatsby invests so much in the world around him only to in the end receive nothing in return is tragic. The novel leads people to question the world they live in and the people who comprise society. Is this really what our world is? The audience always expects a happy ending, that the good guy will prevail and ride into the sunset with the girl of his dreams in his arms. Fitzgerald shatters fantasy and reveals the reality we have created through exposing the fakeness and genuineness of people through the presence and lack of caring. Can a person care too much? One might think so, especially after realizing that Fitzgerald put his heart into his work, and his fears. Gatsby’s end fashioned over Fitzgerald’s fear concretes the touch of a novel dearly loved.

    1. Hayden,
      I always love to hear what you have to say, and I admire your interpretations of The Great Gatsby! I would like to answer your question: "Does the power of love truly conquer all?" My answer for you is yes, love does conquer all. Think about all the love you see around the world- teachers constantly helping students, parents supporting and loving on their children, soldiers fighting for their nation, those friends who you are able to call up at 1AM just for advice or time to talk, and many more. To me, those things far outweigh the evil and hatred in the world. It truly conquers all. It says in 1 Peter 4:8: "Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins." I think that this answers your question perfectly because one act of love can cover many sins. Love outweighs all things of evil, and we must live with open hearts and open arms, constantly loving other people.

    2. Hayden:
      In response to your question: "Why do people desire more?"
      Improvement is the goal of humanity: to always move forward is key. People desire more because only when a person wants something can they move towards it. Without the drive to go different places in life, there would be no forward movement in the world. Complacency would reign supreme; but that is not human nature. Innovation and improvement are what have made our lives today possible, and they can only be seen as a good thing. Contentment is fine; complacency should never be the mindset. People desire more because there is more to desire, and that is fine so long as they do not drown in discontentment.

  3. 1. Why do people escape and what do we use to escape?
    2. Why do we turn to material possessions for happiness rather than something more meaningful?
    3. Why is it that we don’t realize what we have until it’s gone and why is it so easy to take things for granted?
    4. Why do we create high expectations for ourselves and what do happens if we do not meet this expectations?
    5. What does nostalgia make one realize about life? Is it good to have nostalgia than no nostalgia at all?
    What makes this book endure is that it is so relatable to each individual, no matter the age. Fitzgerald's novel talks about everything from money to fame to love to success and to happiness. These are all things that everyone struggles with each and every day. For me, I personally related to the character Gatsby because I constantly find myself stretching into the past, always wanting to be in a different time. I also recognized how often humans depend on material possessions for happiness. However, this book made me realize that all those material possessions like money and clothes and success are all going to disappear once I die. This book opened my eyes to the more important things in life, such as relationships, God, love. Those are the things that will last beyond death. Those are the things that I know I can hold on to throughout my life. Those are the things that keep me going everyday. My family and God are my anchors in life that mean more than a phone or a new pair of shoes (although it is nice to have one every now and then). It is the little things that matter, whether that is waking up in the morning to chirping birds, or sitting outside amidst of all the busyness, or seeing my dogs waiting at the top of the stairs when I get home. The Great Gatsby made me realize that nothing in this world will ever truly satisfy the human soul. Instead, it is those little moments with the people we love, and we only have a limited amount of time before we leave this world. We could lose our lives without even knowing, just like Gatsby did, and so it raises the question: What do you want to be remembered for? Your fame or your personality? Personally, I want to be remembered for being a light of God’s unconditional love and spreading the overflowing and all-satisfying love that comes from Him. It is only through Christ that we can be restored and truly satisfied. The Great Gatsby has given me a deeper understanding of what really matters in life and what mark we want to leave on the world.

    1. "Why is it that we don't realize what we have until it's gone and why is it so easy to take things for granted?"
      Things, people, places, and ideas all hold the potential to become routine, normal. Living in Colorado, mountains greet us each morning as we wake up and hide the sun each night. What if these mountains were to disappear? Chaos would erupt, and suddenly each citizen who was able to gaze upon their beauty every day with contempt begins to realize just how important those snow covered peaks were. Once it is gone, it does not seem so normal anymore. Humans naturally take things for granted as they are accessible each and every day. Electricity is the perfect example. Every day, several times a day, a person simply flicks on a light switch without a second thought. The moment that the lights radiance does not shine at the flick of the switch, that human loses control. What once was simple, no longer is accessible. No one can possibly fathom the impact a simple object may have in their life until they can no longer have it.

    2. "Why do people escape what do we use to escape?"
      People escape because they feel they have nothing else to live for, when they can't find a reason to keep on being fully present in a world that they believe has nothing left to offer them. Sometimes people escape because the weight of the world is too heavy on their shoulders and escaping lets them live without the worries and fears that consume them. An escape is a promise to the individual of something good in their day, something that won't disappoint them or leave. In order to 'escape', people use things that run from art to alcohol to music to literature to meditation. Anything that makes them feel at peace with themselves.

  4. What do people have to hide? Why? Is this from their own personal reasons or someone else’s?
    Do we need to lose everything in order to see what’s truly valuable in life?
    At what point do people become careless and lose sight of who we are? Why does this occur? Are people all just the same?
    Why do we lack hope and where can we find hope in our own lives?
    Why do people idolize money? What does it bring to people?

    The Great Gatsby to me is a book that doesn’t age and can be relatable to all generations no matter the time period. This aspect is what makes The Great Gatsby such a poignant book: it has the ability to show the truth that nobody can seem to discover in themselves. There are many different truths that come about such as what love can bring to others, and how money can corrupt one’s soul, but as I have noticed Fitzgerald never really stated what the real truth was. He let the individual discover what was truly valuable about a modern society. Gatsby was a person that almost everyone could relate to in some shape or form. He was the man who showed hope when all the goodness in the world had seemed to disappear. He was also the man who believed things could give him everything he wanted, overseeing that the people in his life were most important. By buying the mansion, the car, the clothes all for the golden girl Daisy, Gatsby lost who he was a person. Fitzgerald showed that while trying to live the perfect and ideal life people transform into a person who isn’t really a person anymore. Today, society puts this pressure on students everyday, pushing them to get straight A’s and get into an Ivy league school, when through this endless drive to be perfect, people forget to enjoy the world they have been placed into. It is filled with beauty, simplicity, and most of all truth. People try and say that they are different than their distant ancestors, but Fitzgerald reveals that people are the still the same as they once were. Though new technologies have taken hold of people’s minds, the humans that walk across this Earth still hold the same values of money and power. People think that they can just take things for granted and every mistake they make can be fixed, but in reality they must learn that life is truly precious. But even when everything seems evil and ruthless there is simplicity to the world. Whether it be from simple hug, or laughing with friends these memories are the things that people can hold on to forever. This is where I can find my bliss and I can always count on these moments to keep me going. Fitzgerald was a brilliant man who could brought what people were really like, but ultimately urged others to find what in life could make them truly happy.

    1. Great questions. I want to answer the one on why people idolize money. I think people idolize it because they can control it. Ultimately, to a point how much money a person earns is in their control. Some would probably disagree there is an extent to that because yes some jobs pay less than others, and the government or hire ups control income; however, people have a choice to choose the job they want, and going into any job people know how much money they will earn. Gatsby controlled is income because he did everything he could to get money. People like what's controllable because things that are out of people's control sometimes don't go their way, and people fear this rejection and hurt. Human's idolize money because they ultimately decide how much the make and also because pride and society says in order to be cool or fit-in people must obtain a high social status. Love can not be controlled and going after it causes rejection, so people are often afraid to enter into it, and put it first in their life's. Money is easy to put first in people's life's because it can be controlled and people see it has something that will always get them something better. People are afraid of the uncontrollable that's why people are afraid of love not money.

    2. I love the thought that went into your questions. I would like to say that everyone has something that they're hiding. I mean, not everything that is hidden is terrible, some things stay better hidden. The majority of the time, people hide things for their own good, for fear of judgement by others. People can be cruel, and people know that, so they hide. Sometimes something silly can be hidden, like a crush, for fear of judgement by that person. However, many serious things can be hidden, and many of them are better off being revealed although they are looked down upon. Some things like mental illnesses are never better off hidden, but most of the time it's a personal choice for someone to unveil or hide things.

  5. The Great Gatsby is one of the greatest novels of all time because it's timeless. Fitzgerald ultimately conveys how their are two types of people: Gatsby people who believe happiness isn't reachable without love. People like Tom, Myrtle, and Daisy who are so greedy they don't know what love really is because they believe happiness comes from money. This book brings up this idea that even if a person gains all the money in the world, and has everything they could possibly want in the end people die poor without finding true love. Material possession can only keep people satisfied for a moment, but love can keep people satisfied for a lifetime. Tom and Daisy moved from place to place because they were looking to escape reality. Everywhere they went they destroyed people; yet, they didn't care because in the end their money would bring them out of any situation. Once they used people for pleasure, to make people envy them, or to gain their own social status they fell back on their nasty ways and leave everyone they hurt in the dust after they were dissatisfied with them. Gatsby gained all his wealth and was never satisfied. He was extremely lonely and longed for the love he felt for Daisy in the past to be his present once more. Point being Tom and Daisy with everything were dissatisfied, so they moved and moved to escape from the devastating reality: their souls craved loved, but their flesh craved money, and Gatsby sought after love with all the money he could have dreamed of and ended up alone. What does this say about the world? In the end everyone ends up alone? I guess this is true, but I think what Fitzgerald wanted readers to see how yes in the end everyone ends up alone, but the thing that matters is the footprints people leave on the world, and those they show and give love to while they are still loving. Even with all Gatsby's money and his huge parties, Nick was the only one who remembered him when he was gone because he's the only one Gatsby was real with. This store is timeless because through all periods in time people leave lasting impressions on the world. No matter what time period it's people are coming up with new innovations or they're building relationships, and falling in love, and there are always greedy people and those who think they are better than others on earth. I devote my life to trying to find love not only with people, but with God, nature, and animals. This book has taught me to treasure the people in my life who mean more to me than any material possession could ever mean. It also has taught me to cherish what I have, and who have because when I die I don't want to be buried with my loved one I want to be buried next to my grandparents and parents. I will seek after what makes me happy in life not what will make me comfortable. I want to cherish every moment I have with those I love, and never regret falling in love even if it ends up hurting because I rather know what love it is and find real love than spend my whole never knowing what it is and being alone.

    1. Emmy, I love what you're saying about how people will die alone but it doesn't mean that their lives should be lonely. This is something I have thought about often, knowing that my life should never be lonely and should be filled with people and memories: things that I can cherish forever. People like Tom, Daisy, Gatsby all filled their lives with things that had no meaning showing how empty and alone inside they really were. At Gatsby's funeral almost nobody showed up, and for me this is something I'm scared will happen. That my life will become so pointless that no person will feel the need to be there for me. But I realize that I can't worry on the what if' of life. I also want to respond to your question which states, What can we do to slow down and live in the moment? and I believe that people just need to get rid of all the distractions in their lives and start to focus on the simple things of life. People take for granted these simple things like reading a book so often that they don't see what pleasures they can gain from simple things. Such as enjoying the love from a simple hug, or taking a moment of silence for oneself. Once people can start to reevaluate who they are as a person they will be able to see even more clearly than they have before. I want my life to be filled with meaning and purpose so I will never feel alone, but I have realized that I need to start saying I will do something so then it will come true and my life will be real, honest, and filled with the things that make me truly happy.

  6. Why do people cease to take on the challenges they believe they can't face? Why do people define success based on how far they've gotten and not how much love they've gotten? What can we do to slow down and live in the moment? Is it better to fall in love and risk getting hurt or never fall in love at all to avoid getting hurt? How do people's bringing up effect their attitudes of social class?

  7. Can there be a bigger disappointment than when we build up our expectations only to proceed in not meeting them?
    How often do people express their true feelings? Is it in times of happiness or anguish or neither?
    Is the comfort of the past what draws us to it?
    Do you think that we all view things, accomplishments, people differently or is it all linear?
    Is love worth the heart ache?
    The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald says what most would not dare to speak aloud. It holds the unpopular opinions, the shameful truths, and the unspoken desires. Each and every reader can look at this book and see a point at which they can relate. Fitzgerald never truly states what he means in each of his symbols or his conclusions leaving the reader to interpret his message for themselves; everyone reaches a conclusion even if they are slightly differentiated. For example, the main message that I found in the book is that life is inconsistent. One may desire and dream and wish upon one thing for years and plan the perfect outcome. Sometimes they are rewarded, but other times life has a different plan. Maybe there is such a thing as destiny, but if so, that is one thing humans will never be able to control. Fitzgerald showed such inconsistency through each of his characters especially Daisy. Connecting with the whole of humanity, people generally do not like losing control. They take pleasure in knowing that something will turn out a certain way, and nothing can possibly go wrong. It is when something does go awry that humans slip into a state of anger and disappointment. Disappointment which lingers around false hope, high expectations, and unattainable desires. The Great Gatsby will continue to last because humans do not usually have the courage to say what they think, but luckily Fitzgerald and Gatsby did. Nothing is more reassuring than not being able to say something, but then hearing someone else screaming the same thought to the entire world and knowing that one is not alone. Fitzgerald knew this, and that is why the Great Gatsby will forever find its place in history.

    1. Hey Abbie, I completely agree with your analysis of the main message, although the motifs of love and money and time come and go the inconsistencies in the lives of the characters in the book are something we can all relate too. None of us have a life that continues on the same path everyday, and Fitzgerald perfectly captures this.We have all had these feelings, whether it was from a conflict or mistake, all of us experience differentiation within our lives away from what we wanted it to be. This shared feeling between all people makes The Great Gatsby less of a book and more of a story that holds a little piece of each of our lives.

  8. 1. Will the need for wealth and material possessions ever become a thing of the past?
    2. Does fate determine who we meet and when or is it all random?
    3. Is a story timeless only as long as it can apply to our lives?
    4. Do we now live in a way similar to that of the roaring twenties or do we live more conservatively? Or do we live larger?
    5. Is it the darkness surrounding the light in life that makes it brighter or does the light outline the darkness?
    Although the world today is very different than the one Fitzgerald wrote his book in, many people still hold the same things in esteem. Money, social status, and physical beauty are just a few things that create a bridge of similarity between the roaring twenties and now, which is a large reason why I believe this book has endured the test of time. Gatsby opens up a world that many of us will only dream of, huge parties, unimaginable wealth, scandal and the like. In popular culture today celebrities and other people with these same qualities and lifestyles are put onto pedestals and turned into gods for the common people to worship. The American people's love affair with these traits of wealth and popularity may have waned and waxed over the century since this book but it never disappeared, just as the interest in the Great Gatsby and Fitzgerald as a whole has never disappeared.
    Another relatable factor in Gatsby is the destruction of a relationship and lost love; many of us have experienced a poor ending to a relationship or 'the one that got away', and this is exactly what we see happen to the characters in this book. Love and lost love is a trope that can be written in any way and is still something readers can hold onto and connect to their own lives. Although this may not be the timeless story one sees in Disney movies it still represents an occurrence common in the world. The Great Gatsby has lived on in classrooms and bookstores for nearly a century, no because of its unmatched content or incredible writing, of which it has plenty, but because this book illustrates a story of wealthy and plenty that is something nearly every person strives for and the loss of love that nearly every person has felt. Fitzgerald not only wrote a book about his life but a book about the lives of everyone around him, and that is why it has survived almost 100 years.

  9. 1. Can one truly live without having loved?
    2. Why do we continue living if time is just going to loop back around again?
    3. Can the world ever realize that perfection is not acquirable?
    4. What are people actually trying to do?
    5. Can anything truly limit people from a good life?

    This book has lasted throughout one of the universes harshest judges, time itself. It was relevant then, and still is now. People are still concerned with material wealth instead of mental health. Although the past repeats, can we refuse to repeat ourselves along with it? As Fitzgerald writes at the end of the novel like a slap to the face, "So we beat on, boats against the current, borne ceaselessly into the past". The ending of this book gets one out of bed and into the world to do something with their life, even if it is short-lived. Sometime life throws things at us that we can't take, only for us to discover that we can. Other times, one must resist the temptations of life. The parties, the wealth, the status, is all a sham. At times, one must slap life on the wrist, and at other times, one must beat life away with a tree branch. Life doesn't have a set path, it only has guidelines. Someone is born, someone lives for an amount of time, someone dies. It's up to the person living the life what they do with it. Although yes, fate exists, yes, irony exists, and YES, the world is uncontrollable, we can change the little things. This is how we keep from repetition. This is how we love. This is how we live a beautiful, one of a kind life.

    1. I really love how you bring in the idea of mental healthy against material wealth. This is so interesting to think about especially in this time period because so many people were focused on their possessions that they lost their mind. We talked about how sad and shallow and empty these people were but why? Because of these material goods. People believed happiness came wrapped up in a box with a price tag attached. They then came to see that they were so depressed and hallow that all the treasures in the world could not satisfy their needs. Mental health is the keep. It is your soul and your mind you must keep alive, not your wallet and bank account. There is no hope for a world that losses it emotional value. Without love and happiness and laughter and all the things that make life worth living there is nothing. If the world is not able to see that fulfillment can not be purchased from a store then it may soon crumble.

    2. Kate, in response to your fifth question, yes. However, I am a bit confused by what you consider a "good life". Though ultimately all definitions of "good lives" have hindrances, the hindrances vary from definition to definition. If you are using the term "good life" to represent a life that is materially successful, then various factors should be accounted for as hindrances. Here is a list of a few (of the many) obstacles that could affect success: social status, education, physical appearance, reputation, and health. If you mean "good life" as in an emotionally stable or contented life then I believe that something different has the ability to limit a person from a good life. Actually, I believe that only one thing that limit a person from a good life: oneself. The potential, or lack of potential, that one sees in himself can alter what one will try to achieve. If a person were to lose hope/perseverance/endurance/courage/etc that they could ever be happy, then they would be more likely to commit to an unhappy life/lifestyle (even if this commitment is made subconsciously). However, if a person lives a life filled with hope and perseverance then, even though they may not always be able to achieve material success, they have already succeeded in achieving happiness. If this is the case then, the only thing that is standing in the way of a "good life" is the perception of the dreamer. Therefore, once the dreamer realizes that as long as there is hope there is happiness, he can be happy.

  10. Questions:
    What is it in a person that determines whether adversity shapes them for them better or breaks them?
    Is it more important to be good at something or to be good with people?
    What is true fulfillment?
    When two people are apart, do they always grow apart from each other?
    Why do people change- do they really?
    Why is passivity so disdained?
    Should there be pity or hate for a person that has no concept of true happiness or love? Perhaps both?
    Is it more important to enjoy the moment fully or search for a deeper purpose?

    The Great Gatsby received its position as one of the greatest novels of all time as a result of its insightful commentary on humanity and Fitzgerald’s writing genius. Many say that Fitzgerald sends messages to his readers and those who hear his story: however I think he does something much more important and impactful than that. Messages can often seem biased or unrealistic to readers. They are easy to find in text, and difficult to define: one passage of text could be interpreted as sending 10 different messages, depending on who is reading. The genius of Fitzgerald is that he makes his text universally powerful- by observing. The Great Gatsby is masterful in that it is a study of the different aspects and weaknesses of people and their motivations in life. Fitzgerald does this through his significantly flawed characters, using their problems and perspectives to hold up a mirror to society. He does not directly shout a message: instead he gives the readers the ability to see their own flaws in the crazy 20s partiers of Gatsby, allows them to judge the characters and thereby judge themselves. The beauty of this method is that the flaws of humanity are timeless: greed, weakness of character, shallowness, obsession, lack of balance, and more are all calmly observed and duly recorded by Fitzgerald; throughout the years his writing continues to strike a chord with readers as they see pieces of themselves and their lives in the lives of his flawed characters. Each of the characters is deeply wrong in one way or another; the fact that the book is still interesting to read (rather than being depressing) and ends on a hopeful note can only be attributed to Fitzgerald’s immense skill in shaping the plot, the characters, and his diction. The book would be little more than a forgotten reminder of times gone by if not for Fitzgerald’s unbelievable writing talent. This is the other component to the book that makes it so special: Ftizgerald’s writing lifts it to such a high level. HIs every word is practically perfection, making a great story and insight into a masterpiece that is recognized as one of the greatest novels of all time.

    1. Elena, when you ask: "Why do people change- do they really?", I must think of Jay Gatsby. It is incredibly clear that Gatsby changed his social standing, however I do not believe he experienced a change in himself. From a young age Gatsby had decided he was bound for bigger and better things than the farm life. This shows me that he knew what he was desiring in life, and he simply changed the world around himself. Perhaps this suggests that people are all on a path of fate. They shape the world around them to fit what they already know about themselves.

    What does happiness cost? Is it worth it?
    Is it possible to make another person happy when one is not happy himself?
    Should the goal in life be to make another happy or to make ourselves happy? What are the positive and negative effects of both lifestyles?
    What fuels hope?
    Is hope realistic to have? Does it hinder or help?
    Why do cultures change? Is this change necessary? Will there be a time when culture could/should no longer change?
    Is there a cure for unhappiness at all?

    The Great Gatsby is a classic book that has endured throughout generations. Though it was ignored and rejected by the first generation to have read it, it is now widely accepted as one of the greatest works of writing created in the 19th century. Perhaps the book’s well deserved legacy is due to Fitzgerald’s use of symbolism. Throughout the book, Fitzgerald uses obvious and simple symbols (such as the billboard of Doctor T.J. Eckleburg or the green light at the end of the dock) in order to convey complex ideas. By making many of the symbols hard for the reader to miss, Fitzgerald allows all of his readers to connect on a deeper level with the book and understand his initial purpose in writing such a depressing and hopeless book, hoping that his readers will be able to both find the cause of unhappiness within the characters but also find hope in future possibilities and in hopefulness itself. Some of the more obviously stated symbols include the presence of rain, Gatsby's yellow car, and West Egg vs East Egg. However, I believe that it is the subtle use of symbols (the “understanding smile” of Gatsby or the “rosy-colored” porch) that makes the book so intriguing. Through incorporating subtle symbols throughout the book, Fitzgerald allows the reader to thoroughly enjoy the story while gently redirecting their attention to his original purpose in writing the story. Thus, readers are kept interested throughout the book through the plot and also the analysis of the subtle symbols. These consistent reminders give the reader the ability to process Fitzgerald's various opinion while the gentle nature of the symbols allow the reader to constantly challenge their own ideas and continue to bring more and more meaning to each subtle symbol. However, Fitzgerald goes further than subtle symbolism; he hides symbolism within symbolism. That is to say, even his symbol, like the falling of the clock as a symbol of stopping time, extends outward to a further symbol (the stopping of time could ultimately represent that many of the people living within the culture of the 1920’s had tried to freeze time through romance). This tactic of hiding symbolism within symbolism, though not very common, provides a depth for the book that would otherwise be unattainable. Through Fitzgerald's use of varying techniques in incorporating symbols throughout his book, he allows his readers to appreciate the intended meaning of the symbol while simultaneously challenging them to connect those ideas/symbols to their everyday lives. Thus, through the inclusion of symbols in "The Great Gatsby", Fitzgerald's book has the ability to personally connect to each generation, allowing it to continue its legacy as an American classic.

    1. What does happiness cost? Is it worth it?
      Happiness costs you to vulnerable and open yourself up to the possibility of being happy. Unfortunately when you open up like this you take the risk of being sad as well. I think that although sadness may come with happiness it is worth it and far better than shutting yourself off and feeling numb.

    2. Is hope realistic to have? Does it hinder or help?

      I think hope is absolutely necessary and realistic. Without hope, joy and happiness can't be fully obtained because there isn't a reason to continue to find purpose in life. Hope is the underlying emotion that translates to motivation which ultimately defines the success one has. I think there can definitely be false hopes that hinder many people, when their longing isn't fulfilled. Yet true and authentic hope is sustained regardless of a situation and doesn't translate to recklessness but persistence.

  12. 1.) Why do people create fake identities for themselves?
    2.) Does American stand out as a county who is controlled by material possessions? Are Americans seen this way as well?
    3.) What makes love pure? What defines a real relationship? Do we see this often in our society?
    4.) Do expectations rule our lives? Do they push us down paths and shape our decisions? Are they what creates our drives and personality?
    5.) Does our generation still consist of men and women who only look for a spouse of a certain social class or financial status?

    This book is considered one of the greatest novels of all time because it teaches so many universal themes that apply to every generation, every time, and every type of people. This novel was not only able to reveal some of the darker sides of lavish life style, but also show the simple pure elements that come with life no matter what your social class. Things like love, heartbreak, pressure, loyalty, dedication, and so many other are threaded through this book. Because its is so relatable, it makes sense that such a wide variety of people enjoy reading this book. Fitzgerald makes everything in this story come to life. By using such emotional and impactful writing he is able to create a lasting impression. People are also drawn to dark things which makes sense because Fitzgerald revealed the absolute depression of people in this time. He makes such a large statement about money and what is does to people. As much as we hate to admit it, money does rule our world and that is why this book still applies to our generation as it will for new coming ones. The relationships between the characters are so complex and emotional, they grab the readers in away that allows them to connect on a personal level and feel a similarity within their own life. Gatsby's fake identity show how life is unsatisfying, and we all create a dream of ourselves, of something much greater and better than who we truly are. We base our value off of that of our possession and our worth by that of what we own. We feel like we need physical objects that we can touch in order to prove ourselves but that's just not true. This book shares the heart aching fact that everyone is wishing for a time in the past. Everyone is hoping it an be as it once was for whatever reason that things were better. Fitzgerald also shares the heart aching fact that this can never be achieved, the past can not be repeated. It does not matter who you are. Everyone who reads this book, no matter who they are or what stage of their life they are in will be able to relate to at least one theme in The Great Gatsby. That is why this is considered one of the greatest novels of all time.

    1. 1. Why do people create fake identities for themselves?
      I believe that you eventually become who you pretend to be. In this way, I do not think that Gatsby is a fake or has a fake identity. I think he is just as real and genuine as a person with the same personality throughout the entirety of their lives. I think Gatsby went through a couple years where he was, yes, a fake. But by the time he dies Jay Gatz does not die. Jay Gatz died long ago, and James Gatsby was born. No, I do not think he is a fake because I think that he is an honest person and that everything he does comes from his heart (sometimes a little too much so). Everyone goes through changes in their personality- but I do not think that anyone is fake. People go through transitions, but they come out perhaps even more real than they went in.

    2. What makes love pure? What defines a real relationship? Do we see this often in our society?

      Love is pure when someone cares about another person more than themselves. They care more about the other person’s happiness more than their own, and each person’s happiness becomes an extension of the other’s. The best relationships occur when both people recognize each other’s importance in their lives and show it openly. This is very difficult to do, because it requires opening oneself up to the possibility of being hurt. Fear of being hurt is why this type of relationship is so scarce. It also requires an extraordinary amount of unselfishness, something that not many people have. We see this very rarely in our society. Many people care too much about themselves to truly care about the happiness of others, but those who have that capacity live the happiest lives.

    3. Why do people create fake identities for themselves?

      Fake identities are a mask to hide behind, used for exactly that: to hide. And there is lots to be hidden: Things in our lives we don't want other people to know about. These could be things as simple as telling someone who gives you burnt cookies that they are the best you've ever had, to something deeper like family unrest or someone's dissatisfaction with their personal appearance. Like Gatsby, someone may try to hide parts of their past that they find embarrassing. Faking part of their identity also allows people to have control over how other people see them, perhaps emphasizing a deeper want for control. However, the false identity can eventually control them, as the people get caught up in maintaining a lie.

  13. 1. Is love worth it?
    2. Is there only one perfect match for every person?
    3. Has and will money ever matter? Can money ruin morals? Can money fix anything?
    4. Does victory matter?
    5. What makes a person victorious? What makes a person a failure?

    How does The Great Gatsby endure?
    This novel endures because after people read it, they change. They become more whole and focused on what matters. They become less focused on money and more focused on molding themselves into the people they aspire to be like. People who read this book change, and they want their children to go through the same thing. Now, of course, there will always be the stubborn-hearted money crazed people who skim the book and never change. But, as a whole, the readers of the book experience something deep inside of them when they read this brilliant lesson. No matter how it is read or interpreted, whether for close reading or for simple enjoyment of the story, this book teaches a clear message. Those who live with everything die with nothing. This story endures throughout time because it teaches people to halt their money drive, and live life! Even if this is only temporary, it allows people to become whole again. It allows people to go outside under the beautiful sky and do something that they love doing. This story allows people to quit doing what they hate and start doing what they love. It teaches people to love more and hug tighter and pursue dreams every step of the way. Fitzgerald teaches that time past is not time present, but we mustn't worry about time past. Everyone who truly takes the time and really reads (not just looking at the words) this novel will learn a personalized lesson. Maybe it will be about money, or women, or parties. Maybe it will be something about love. But it doesn't matter because what each individual learns is a personalized lesson that applies precisely to their lives! And everyone who reads this wants the same for their children, so that they can say, "You're in a crisis? Go read Gatsby?" It is as if Fitzgerald rewrites his story every time a new reader opens up the book. The plot line remains the same, as well as characterization, but the lessons learned change. Every reader finds something in the book that is also within themselves. Each person finds something new. This book will never go away because it holds all of the answers. And, it also teaches us to live so that we may die with a full funeral.

  14. Can love drive people insane?
    Is nostalgia something that can be beneficial or rather does it make us lose sight of what’s happening in the present?
    Is money the underlying root of everything we strive and aim for?
    Why is wealth so important to some and not at all to others?
    Why do we put on a facade in front of others?

    There’s a reason that The Great Gatsby is at the top or close to it on lists for the best American novels of all time. A reason why people who hate to read become enamored with this particular book. A reason why this book was published when my grandfather was 5 years old yet is still relevant now to me as a sophomore in high school 90 years later. It’s because this book has told everyone who has ever read it what everyone else is too afraid to point out and say. Fitzgerald emphasizes the significance of money, status, power and wealth; how we as people crave all of these things and will stop at nothing to get it, even if it means leaving those who love us heartbroken and in the dust. He brings into play the idea of love and what it means to different people. People like Daisy love those who can give them what they want in life in terms of material items, while people like Gatsby fall in love with character and beauty and the nostalgia that comes along with it. Fitzgerald highlights the American Dream that has been the forefront of American culture for as long as anyone can remember. For decades, the American Dream has been a shining light in dark times from those who are poor to those who are rich. It’s the idea of pulling yourself up by the bootstraps and making something of yourself. Nowadays I hear a lot of people say that they are disillusioned with this idea, but nevertheless still secretly desire to attain what these ideals state. This book has made me realize a lot of things, and I noticed it a lot within what I read in the conversations in this novel. Conversations between the people at Gatsby’s parties and at the apartment where Tom and Myrtle continue their affair made me realize how shallow, vapid, and self-absorbed people can be. I learned that I never wanted to be a person like that, acting in these ways around others, particularly the ones I loved. I’ve realized that the things that matter the most in life to me are my family, friends, and love. These are the things in my life that will be here long after everything else, and these are the things that I should pay attention and care for the most.

    1. Lindsay, I saw your first question and was like, yes I wanna answer that! Honestly, I believe that love can drive people crazy. Gatsby shows us this because he spent his entire life trying to get Daisy to love him. He got money, threw parties, bought his house across the bay, all for Daisy. Insanity is trying something over and over again expecting the result to be different and in some ways this is exactly what Gatsby is doing. He is changing himself and his entire life to revolve around Daisy's. He is trying and trying to get her to love him. So yes, in my opinion, love can drive people insane.

  15. Can some people find happiness in working towards a goal but not necessarily completing it?
    Where is the line between unlimited hope and delusion?
    Is there anything wrong with money being a goal for someone if it is what inspires and motivates them to succeed?
    Why are people’s personal definitions of happiness so vastly different?
    Do an individual’s thoughts come from within them or through a reflection of the experiences around them?

    The Great Gatsby endures simply because Fitzgerald wrote it from his heart. He drew from his own personal experiences, opinions, and memories. His writing expressed the kind of care and passion that is only tangible when a person pours their soul into their work. Only a few people are able to convey their own struggles, fears, and joys so fully through their art. It takes a special kind of confidence and desire to allow the inner consciousness to speak freely. The characters were a reflection of people in Fitzgerald’s life, and the narration followed closely with Fitzgerald’s own voice. The combination of Fitzgerald’s phenomenal writing techniques and passion for perfection produced one of the greatest books of all time. It almost didn’t matter what the story was about; the raw emotions laid out on the page attracted readers of all types. Despite this, Fitzgerald captured the Roaring Twenties like some kind of four-dimensional photograph. All the feelings, opinions, styles, and dreams were encapsulated, able to be reopened and discovered by anyone who read the book. This beautiful representation of the time period was not fully recognized until after Fitzgerald’s death. It was not very popular at the time of its release because it was too close to reality; it was not the escapism people were looking for in entertainment. Now, however, people look back at awe and the Roaring Twenties and The Great Gatsby is an iconic part of that culture. Everyone can find a character or ideal to which they can relate, and a part of the book they can despise. It has everything people look for in a story, and it has a different interpretation depending on the mood of the reader. It truly is a masterful composition that is a timeless now as it was sixty years ago.

  16. 1. Is it out of pain that the greatest authors ideals are shaped or can an author create a wonderful story out of pure imagination?
    2. Is it through hardship that we gain blessings?
    3. Is our greatest fear that we are inadequate or that we will hurt others due to gaining power? (Marianne Williamson)
    4. What role does love play in our lives?
    5. Can the love of money be more powerful than love for a spouse?

    Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby endures the test of time for several reasons. Initially, Fitzgerald dialect is enchanting and creates a real feeling for the rich 1920’s upper class members. Additionally, Fitzgerald’s diction is powerful and profound. His words cause deep questioning of our daily lives as well as our aspirations. This is a key point of why the texts popularity continues. It applies to our lives. As middle class Americans, many of us have great affluence and recognize success as money because our society highlights this principle. In a way we are the at risk youth of the plight the characters in The Great Gatsby find themselves in. However, Fitzgerald brings to the light the fact that money does not equal happiness. If it is money we pursue in place of our real dreams then, like sand, the tighter we grab at our dreams the farther they shall drift/ Fitzgerald is warning us that those who want happiness through money shall lose happiness in the pursuit. The message of The Great Gatsby is profound and delivered in such a way that it withstands the battering of time.

  17. 1. What lies at the heart of greed? Why do people want so much?
    2. Is it possible for dreams to come true in their entirety? Or will we always be left disappointed?
    3. Why do people calculate their own self worth from how they believe others to perceive them?
    4. How can we get the most value in our limited time here?
    5. Why do we strive for monetary wealth when it is worth nothing in the end?

    "The Great Gatsby" not only survives, but thrives, because it reveals the most simple, dark, and true aspects of human nature, which hold through the generations. When people read this novel, they gain perspective on the world around them from a new set of eyes, and their greatest flaws are revealed: greed, gluttony, lust, anger. Every human on earth struggles with something, and can relate to one of the characters in some way. Fitzgerald's characters, in their faults, directly portray the things that make us human. Gatsby: a beacon of hope, dreams coming true, the deepest cravings of our society. Tom: lust when he has his affair with Myrtle, anger (which he exhibits towards Gatsby), and pride for his reputation. Daisy: Helplessness when Gatsby and Tom confront each other, money and wealth as the golden girl. Nick: loyalty, to Gatsby, remaining with him to death. Perhaps it is a craving amongst people to immerse themselves in these feelings, to experience the truest, darkest, and most raw aspects of humanity up close and personal. No matter who someone is, they share something with one of Fitzgerald's characters. A want for wealth, like Gatsby's pursuit of Daisy, holds true throughout generations. Ancient civilizations battled in bloodbath for wealth of land, transforming into today's greed for material possessions and money. Humans have always been and will always be human, and will always be able to gain perspective as they relate to the characters of "The Great Gatsby."

  18. Part 1

    Is Greatness an inherent quality? Or must it be attained?

    What does it mean to take from Society, the world around oneself? What does it mean to Contribute?

    Is Desire a freestanding entity or one that is bound to the reflection of the society it exists in?

    What significance does the past hold for people? Why is it something to attain?

    Is stockpiling money a form of self medication? For what illness?

    Provide an irrefutable definition of success?

    While some might disagree, I confidently assert that The Great Gatsby is, in fact, great. Much like a distance runner, the most accurate representation of greatness in a novel is its endurance. The Great Gatsby has not trudged its way up to the NY Times top 100 because of its beautiful cars, lavish houses, or extravagant parties(even though they were quite a smashing time). The seat in the 100s list is the result of Fitzgerald packing all 180 pages to the rafters with material that insists upon the reader to question, not just the circumstances of Nick Carraway’s world, but the world around him. As your average Gatsby reader, I have created many questions based on my reading of the novel. One of the most concrete ways I can think to explain the endurance experienced by Fitzgerald's Great Gatsby is to answer some of the prominent questions. Clearly shown by the title, Gatsby was great. Gatsby’s attention of greatness raises the question, Is greatness an inherent quality, or must it be attained? The latter would certainly explain the trials and hardships Gatsby endured on his path to greatness. The work he must have put in with Dan Cody to refine his social skills then the risks he took with bootlegging certainly provided Gatsby the platform to interject his greatness into the lives of others. All through hard work with tireless effort. However, Jay Gatsby’s heroic military service would point to the first, that he had an aptitude for greatness, much like the Desert Fox. This reminds me of the all too unfortunate Indian cast system, that no matter how hard people work to achieve greatness, they are forever stuck on a fate-like path to a predetermined location of status in society. Once one is at that place in society, however great it is or isn’t, The Great Gatsby then begs the question; What does it mean to take from society, to contribute to it? The novel provides us examples of both givers and takers. Does Tom Buchanan, or more importantly, his modern counterparts, take from or provide to society? I certainly see Gatsby as a giver, however many would say he is a criminal and provides a means for others self destruction. While I cannot refute that Gatsby did those things, I can posit that giving is not a black and white drawing, but a full color illustration. Gatsby was a bootlegger, it is possible that his hosting of parties and distribution of liquor led to people's self destruction. However destructive this was, Gatsby gave his fellow citizens what they needed, a means of medication. Something all too prevalent in today’s world is the stockpiling of money. I have to frequently ask myself why someone with that sort of abundance in money can’t find anything better to do with it than squirrel it away in a bank account. At this point in my experience of, not just America but of people, I must conclude that they are medicating themselves for some sort of illness, to relieve some sort of anxiety. I have been to a firsthand witness to self medication of one kind, on the other hand, the stockpiling of monies has to ease the stress of greedy people, much like the Waltons today. Despite their greedy overreach into the American society, a very large portion of people consider the Waltons a great success. I am not in that demographic. I do not belong in that group because I cannot even remotely begin to answer the question; What is success?

    1. Part 2

      E.E. Cummings once wrote
      “All ignorance toboggans into know
      and trudges up to ignorance again”

      The Great Gatsby has posed to me many questions on my trudging journey up one of the many hills in life. As I tobogganed down the same hill, this novel taught me that even in answering the questions it had formed in my head, I could not be certain. Furthermore, the uncertainty that comes with this brand of know provides a valuable insight on the world I exist in. I cannot say whether Gatsby’s greed makes him successful, whether or not he was a giver or a taker, a positive or negative influence, if his greatness was a result of work or aptitude. I can most positively conclude that Fitzgerald has taught me that the relative, the uncertainty, is where Gatsby achieved his greatness. And it will be where all of us achieve ours. Then as I look around at the bottom of this metaphorical hill, I realize that I am still ignorant of at least one thing. What is success? Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby earns its spot in timelessness because of its enduring ability to motivate the trudge into ignorance once again.

    2. In response to your question, "Is greatness an inherent quality? Or must it be attained?" I believe that greatness is something that must be attained. To answer this question I think that first greatness must be defined, and the webster dictionary says, "the quality of being great, distinguished, or eminent." Therefore, being great means that one has to set themselves apart from others. This is not something that one is born with, but something that one has to earn and work for. One cannot be born great, but must find a dream and have the drive to work for it. I think that the reason that Gatsby is called Great in this novel is because he embodies the spirit of working hard towards a goal and in doing so separating himself from the rest of the pack. That is what makes him great. The drive that he had to pull himself out of his own situation and worked towards in incorruptible dream was about the process, not being born with any particular amount of money or quality. Through the way that Fitzgerald shows his character's development and struggle illustrates the definition of greatness, and how one does not have to be born with it, but it must be earned and attained through work and dedication to a vision of hope and meaning.

  19. SarahS:

    1. Is ignorance bliss? Is something better left a dream than to experience it in reality?
    2. What is the role of expectations in people's lives, and to what extent do we let them control our actions?
    3. Why do we fear not having control? Can we truly attain control? Do we illusion ourselves into believing we have control?
    4. Does/can the past repeat itself? Is humanity repeatedly being taught the same lessons?
    5. What does money do to people? Does it motivate or corrupt them?

    The Great Gatsby exposes timeless ideas that make it universal and applicable to every society. It shows the power of money, and how it influences the lives and choices of society. Through Gatsby's dream and pursuit of Daisy, as well as the way that Tom and Daisy use their wealth, Fitzgerald shows how money corrupts, motivates, and ultimately runs the world and influences people's decisions. The way that Tom and Daisy retreat into their wealth to cover up their faults demonstrates how money can ultimately buy anything, from silence to a house to 'love'. Since these ideas are applicable to all humanity, they carry through any generation, time, and society. These truths about material wealth make this book endure. This book also captures the desire to better oneself, and work in life for the success of a goal. It questions what is worth living and working for, and if too often people lose sight of reality in wake of a dream or desire. These concepts feed into the embodiment of the American Dream, and show make the reader question what is really at the heart of that dream, and if it's truly worth the work it takes to get there. Through Wolfensheim and Gatsby, the reader also questions if the only way to the top is through cheating and lying. These ideas apply to anyone with a dream, and capture the doubts and motivation that we put behind our everyday lives, and make us ultimately question our purpose. This idea of questioning is also what makes this book endure, and can be interpreted so many different ways. This gives it an eternal quality because it can be used in many settings and situations to explain or further deepen understanding of drive, money, and dreams.

    1. 1) I think that ignorance is bliss but I think that it is an unhealthy and unrealistic bliss. Some dreams can't become reality and if you chase to have your dreams entirely fulfilled, as Gatsby did, then you may have total failure as opposed to partial success. Some things are better left as dreams. The key is to determine what is a dream and what is a goal. When you find your goals, chase after them and try to achieve that which is realistic but still challenges you.

  20. What makes a person long for another person in their life? Is it some sort of destiny or fate? What is the force that makes us want to love?
    Is there one person or thing that is worth waiting for and changing yourself for? What makes it worth it?
    What would happen if we never knew about the way people were before and we only knew them from the point we met them and on? Would it be better or worse?
    What does it mean to be a dreamer? What dreams are similar to others? Why do we have dreams and what do we do with them?
    Do stereotypes remain the same throughout history or do they change?

    The Great Gatsby is an amazing book because it reveals truths that many people don’t think about on a daily basis. It shows the truth that people are dreamers and they long for things that they don’t have. Some people like to think that they don’t long for things in life because they already have a lot, but they do and this book shows that. Although Gatsby has so many things and is extremely rich and successful, he still longs for Daisy. He longs for her and shapes his entire life around impressing her and getting her to love him. He shows that no matter who you are in life and how rich you are, you still will want something. Fitzgerald shows me that it's okay to dream and okay to want things that you don’t have, it's only human. Although the way that Fitzgerald wrote Gatsby, it made it seem like he is obsessive and he cares about Daisy more than he cares about himself or anyone else around him. Honestly, this book doesn’t make me feel like any person is worth changing my entire life for because in the end, they might not even want me. This really speaks to me because as a high schooler I always feel like, “Oh maybe that one person will like me if I am different” but this book shows me that it isn’t worth it and that makes it great.

  21. 1) Does money make happiness easier?
    2) How can one individual strive to ignore the influence money has in life?
    3) Can goals be accomplished without money?
    4) Is wealth something to be avoided? Why or why not?

    The Great Gatsby is timeless because of the lessons it leaves the reader with. These lessons can be applied to life no matter the era. I learned from the Great Gatsby that money is not the answer to everything. Gatsby, in his quest for Daisy, sold out his morals in beliefs so that he would have enough material goods to please Daisy. She loved Gatsby until the moment she discovered that he accomplished his great wealth through illegal means. Gatsby also taught me that money does not bring happiness. I know that this is a very cliche term that we all learn from birth, but this novel showed me in a way that no other book has before. Gatsby sacrificed his life and happiness to make money and capture Daisy's heart but his efforts were all for not. I also learned that desiring material goods is okay as long as that desire does not consume your life. The most important lesson Gatsby taught me was that sometimes setting goals to high will lead to failure. Gatsby taught me to set goals that are achievable and that it's alright to be content with your lot in life even if others would not be. The Gatsby will endure for these reasons to me and I am glad for the lessons it has taught me.

    1. 5) Is it better to aim high and hit low or to aim low and hit high?

  22. 1. What role do differing personalities have in a certain community?
    2. What makes alcohol so attractive especially in a well off community? If it numbs people what are are they running from?
    3. How are dreams kept alive? What does it mean to persevere?
    4. Do people know what is best for themselves?
    5.What lessons are learned from either the loss of a dream or the revaluation of a dream?
    The Great Gatsby is timeless because its so authentic, but at the same time it relates to a number of different people. On the surface, the superficial nature of the characters, and the topic relating to the search for love and identity through parties, drinking, and money seems very unoriginal.Yet the depth that Fitzgerald brings through the writing helps brings a uniqueness and a reliability that isn't easy for writers to accomplish. The tragedy of the ending gives something to ponder and relate to. Although the successful dreams are usually what people hear about in the movies, the reality is that most our expectations and dreams turn completely around. People everywhere experience loss, depression, longing, pain, etc. and in this book, that reality isn't scapegoated to the antagonist but felt deeply within the main character. Yet even within the harsh reality, Fitzgerald brings out a silver lining that allows the reader to look beyond suffering and try to settle on the idea that although life doesn't go the way we plan, we have so much to learn in any situation. There are so many ideals that are brought about in creative ways that it can reach many different audiences and people groups. Timeless ideals such as longing, the search for purpose, the search for love and dreams, the wish to become successful, the nostalgia of past time, the pursuit/idealization of money, and many more allow for so many opinions to be formed.

  23. 5 questions:
    What barriers do we create that hold us back? Where do they come from and why do we make them?
    What illusions does the future hold? Do we create these or are we feed them from the time of our youth?
    What does it take for someone’s morals to change? Can they ever truly change?
    How do people choose what and what not to believe in? To what extents will people go in the name of their beliefs?
    Are humans naturally selfish, and if so are we also bred to believe that being selfish is wrong? Why? Why is taking care of oneself so looked down upon?

    What makes this book endure?
    There is a reason that Fitzgerald wrote “the great” above “Gatsby” on the title of his novel, and there is a reason that people believe it. Not a word in the book is used to simply fill space, they all drip with meaning and purpose. The Great Gatsby, has endured through time as a great novels because the truths presented in it are undeniable and speak true not only to the 1920’s, but into any time period as well. Fitzgerald not only a facade that humans often wear, but also the ugliness and truth that lies under this mask, on a largescale like New York, and on a more personal level with Jay Gatsby, his protagonist. He lived a life very similar to Gatsby which gives the book a raw sense of reality and credibility, seeing that the fiction he wrote of was all too real to him. He admits faults in his own lifestyle that can be related to everyone that reads his novel. These faults are a result of the human nature to be selfish and easily blinded to things that are important by material items. Growing up I’ve watched people put material items before people, but at the same time head the board of a charity. I’ve scars on the arms of girls who walk through the hallways with smiles that blind all those that pass by. I’ve seen masks and I’ve seen what lies beneath them and it all fits in with what Fitzgerald says, and that is why this book endures, because it is true, and it will always be true.

    1. As humans we create a lot of barriers and these barriers hold us back from so much. I truly believe that people question their own worth, ideas, and opinions, because of this people begin to put up barriers so they just don’t get hurt in the long run. People want to feel accepted and valued and after so many times of getting knocked down they just put up a wall to not let anymore people hurt them , but that wall hurts them even more in the long run. They barriers can be the simple idea of being closed up of just not letting anyone in. More often than not people will create these barriers and just stay enclosed because they don’t want to get hurt anymore. You see this a lot though Gatsby, with the ideas that people wont share there secrets anymore and everyone is very private about their affairs. Overall, people just want to be accepted and when they don’t they put up walls.

  24. Questions-
    1. How can we always make sure we are leaving a lasting impact on the world? Is this even possible? Or will we ever really know? Why?
    2. Love is something everyone hopes and wishes for in life, is all that searching, hoping, and wishing worth it in the end? Or will we be let down and disappointed every time? Why?
    3. What truly limits us from reaching our dreams and achieving our goals? Is it us or the world? Why?
    4. What is our true motivation to life? Is it our goals, dreams, people, motivations, or ourselves? Why
    5. Why do people always look to other people for life motivation? Why can’t they look to themselves to feel or be motivated? What makes other people so much more motivating then ourselves?
    What makes this book endure?
    The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald is a book that had endured for a long time now is a very amazing and inspiring book for all types of readers. It is so amazing that a book can be that timeless, and books that make you feel lost in time are the books that last the longest in time. This book is really unique in the sense that it is such a long lasting classic and that it is relatable to almost anyone. This novel really speaks to the reader in a real level and it gives you the sense of reality. This book uses words that make it feel like its just speaking to you, which is so unique and doesn’t happen in a lot of books. This book reveals a lot of truths of life. Some like the fact of it not what you have in your life but who. The book also gives you some life pondering questions. These questions are not stated in the book but are almost implied and they truly make you question everything. This is another great quality of long lasting books. This books diction and overall flow gave the reader a sense of reality, like this could happen to every single one of the, but it also gave the sense of true life mixed with dreams and hope. People like reading books that give them a new adventure, and Gatsby gives the reader that adventure. Everyone wants to feel important and this book portrays this importunacy. Overall The Great Gatsby is an am amazing book with and amazing plot and ideals that make the book keep enduring.
